Kristy Lee Cook is a season 7 American Idol contestant. Kristy Lee Cook knocked the socks off the judges at her
American Idol audition in Philly. Kristy is 5' 8", blonde and beautiful.
Kristy is a native of Selma Oregon but moved to Texas a few years ago to pursue her musical dreams. Kristy is said to love kickkboxing and horseback riding...bareback!
Kristy was only 15 when her family paid to have Marty Rendleman flown to Oregan to watch
Kristy Lee Cook sing at a local fair. You might remember Marty as Lee Ann Rhime's agent the first few years of her career. It's said that Marty was so impressed, that she signed Kristy Lee immediately.
Marty then managed to get Kristy Lee Cook a signed record label with RCA and put on the Arista label. But this story doesn't have a happy ending for Kristy Lee Cook.
She signed with Britney Spears promotion company, Superstar Spears in 2001 when she was 17. In 2005 she release a CD called Kristy Lee. Soon after, RCA put many of their young stars on hold and eventually terminated the contract. Kristy Lee Cook was right back where she started.
Kristy Lee Cook is no quitter so she did was seemed needed to be done to further her career, she moved to Dallas. In case you haven't noticed, Texas is pretty huge and there are a never ending venue for performers with the right contacts.
Kristy Lee Cook signed up under the Kim Dawson Agency and made a few commercials as well as doing some modeling. Hey, a girl's gotta eat! She then went on to release her CD "Devoted".
In 2007,
Kristy Lee decided it was time to take a rest and move back to Oregon. She reportedly sold her horse for the money to travel to Philly and audition, which begs the question, why travel across the country when there were auditions in your own back yard?
There is also the beginnings of controversy surrounding Kristy Lee Cook and a few other
American Idol contestants. Many people feel this should be a contest for amatuers only and no semi-pro or professional performers like Kristy Lee Cook. I think America will have the final say as they vote each week to send someone home. I hope
Kristy Lee Cook goes all the way!