Kristy Lee Cook | Week 1 American Idol ~ Kristy Lee Cook

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kristy Lee Cook | Week 1 American Idol

Kristy Lee Cook - Week 1 American Idol Performance

Kristy Lee Cook was the opening performer on Week 1 of the American Idol competition. Randy Jackson said it best when he said it was not Kristy Lee Cooks best performance.

Simon Cowell was very critical of Kristy Cooks first performance. He said Kristy had a bad song choice.

In Kristy Lee Cook's defense, she did have the flue and was fighting to keep her composer. She was also the first act of the night and I'm sure nerves had something to do with her performance.

If viewers put Kristy Lee Cook through to the next round, I'm sure that she'll do far better if she has gotten over the flue. It's tough singing when you feel like crap!

Of course, Simon hasn't had to sing with the flu and took no mercy on Kristy Lee Cook, let's hope the viewers do!

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